It’s strongly advised to familiarize yourself with our bot security guide before taking any further steps. Keep in mind, if your bot gets disabled, all members will be lost!

Secure your Discord bot: A step-by-step guide

Follow the instructions given to minimize the risk of your bot being disabled.

Creating a Bot


Creating an Application

First, head over to Discord Developer Page and create a new Application.

Give your Application an appropriate name, the name will be displayed to your members.

Creating a bot

After creating an application, you have to create a bot as shown on the screenshot.

You may change the bots name to anything you want, make sure you use an appropriate name. This name will be displayed on the member list.

Adding your bot to RestoreCord

Head over to the Dashboard, select Custom Bots in the navigtion bar and click “create”, then follow the requested information shown on the dashboard.

If you need help finding them, look at the tabs below.
You may choose any bot name you want, this name will only be shown on the dashboard.

Setup Redirect URL

After adding your bot on the dashboard, you need to add our Redirect Url on Discords Developer Page as shown:

Application -> OAuth2 -> General -> Add Redirect

If you are using a custom domain. Replace with your domain.

Custom Redirect Domain

A Custom Redirect domain hides our Service from your Users and Discord.

You have succesfully setup a Discord Bot for RestoreCord, you may continue to creating a server on our dashboard.

Create a RestoreCord Server

Add your Discord Server on RestoreCord.